LISA JOHNSON, Certified Doula

At a very young age, Lisa became acquainted with death and the process of dying. She lost her mother when she was 6 years old, and later when Lisa was 16, her older sister passed away.
These two events dramatically altered the course of her life.

Later in life, while she raised her children, she was privileged to care for her 89 year old father who lived with her and her family for seven years before passing away. She describes his passing as a very tender time. Lisa, her surviving sister, a nurse, along with a few dear healthcare providers, provided a safe and caring environment in which her Father could find peace and comfort in his waning days.

Preparing for his death was not easy for Lisa and she felt a bit scared as she saw the end draw near. With help from some wonderful nurses, Lisa was able to come up with a plan in preparation for his approaching death. This plan gave everyone, including her father, a sense of peace and calmness.

Soon after her father passed, Lisa’s sister suggested she attend an “end-of-life” Doula training. Lisa graduated from The Conscious Dying Institute in 2018. Since her graduation, Lisa has been privileged to help many families navigate their way through this tender and vulnerable time.

Lisa considers this work a privilege and strives to maintain a nearness to matters of eternal significance. This nearness is vital in providing unique support for each family and their loved one. She is loving and accepting. She is a wife, a mother of 5 successful children, and a grandmother of 8 beautiful grandchildren. Lisa holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and is a Certified Life Coach.

Rochelle Fournier, Certified Doula

Meet Rochelle Fournier who recently completed a certification from the International End of Life Doula Association of  which she is a member. Rochelle received a Master's degree in Social Work from Tulane University in 2001, while in graduate school she focused her  studies on the subject of Death and Dying and completed a  three month internship with a local hospice agency where she received training in end-of-life care. She was inspired many years ago when she watched a PBS special documentary on end of life and palliative care. She   knew right away that she wanted to be a part of this movement. She was also inspired by holding vigil at her father death 1 week prior to his death. A few months prior she was able  to complete a legacy project highlighting his  extraordinary achievements which provided him with a unique perspective of the purpose and meaning of his life. 

With a deep passion for helping individuals and families during the end-of-life journey, Rochelle provides personalized, holistic care and support to those facing terminal illness, as well as their loved ones.

Her expertise includes providing emotional and spiritual support, guidance in advance care planning, and assistance with practical matters such as funeral arrangements and legacy projects. Rochelle approaches her work with a deep sense of empathy, compassion, and respect for each person's unique journey. She is culturally sensitive and believes that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and compassion during the final phase of life. She  is committed to helping individuals and families navigate this difficult time with grace and peace. Rochelle has over 12 years of experience as a Clinical Social Worker. She has worked with individuals conducting assessments, developing case plans, and serving as an advocate to ensure they receive the care they need. Rochelle also volunteered with Hosparus in  Louisville,Ky , where she gained valuable experience in providing end-of-life care and support.

Her volunteer work with Every1 Read Jefferson County Public Schools and Guardia Care Services allowed her to develop a deep understanding of the needs of vulnerable populations and provided her with valuable experience in providing psychosocial support to individuals coping with chronic illness.

If you or a loved one is facing end-of-life challenges, contact Rochelle Fournier to learn more about her services as a culturally-sensitive Death Doula. She is committed to providing compassionate and meaningful support during this important time.