PATHWAY DOULAS: End of Life Navigators


End of Life Care and Guidance


What is an End of Life Navigator or “Death Doula”?

A death doula is a non-medical professional who provides emotional, spiritual, and practical support to individuals who are nearing the end of their life, as well as to their families and loved ones. The term "doula" comes from the Greek word for "a woman who serves," and in recent years, it has been applied to those who serve in the context of end-of-life care.

Death doulas, also known as end-of-life doulas, provide a wide range of services and support to those who are dying, including helping to plan and prepare for death, offering emotional and spiritual support, and coordinating with healthcare professionals and other caregivers. We can provide assistance with tasks such as creating advance directives, arranging for hospice care, and even planning funerals and memorial services.

One of the key roles of a death doula is to help individuals and their families navigate the often complex and emotionally charged process of dying. This may involve listening to fears and concerns, providing comfort and reassurance, and helping individuals and families make difficult decisions about end-of-life care.

Death doulas are trained professionals who have experience and expertise in end-of-life care, including grief and bereavement support, spiritual care, and advocacy. We come from a variety of backgrounds, including social work, counseling, chaplaincy, and nursing.

Hospice and death doulas play very different but complementary roles in supporting a person at end-of-life. Hospice offers medical care to relieve suffering, while doulas focus on emotional and spiritual well-being. Using them in tandem provides comprehensive support through the dying process and bereavement.

If you or a loved one is facing the end of life, consider reaching out for support and guidance. We can help you navigate the complex emotions and decisions that come with dying, and provide compassionate care and support to ensure that your final days are as comfortable and peaceful as possible.


We are trained and certified Death Doulas. Our passions to assist the dying has led us here and we would be honored to meet your family to see if we can assist you.

We offer a variety of “End of Life” Services, please contact us to schedule an assessment.